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Yet despite the president's call for future technologies to protect our privacy, two existing products that do just that were shut down because of potential government snooping. Without providing details, the CEO of Lavabit wrote on his blog, "I have been forced to make a difficult decision: to become complicit in crimes against the American people or walk away from nearly 10 years of hard work by shutting down."

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Today, in a world where everything is stored on servers including the names of your Facebook friends I worry about some future McCarthy questioning people's patriotism just because they may have once had a suspicious Facebook friend or Gmail conversation or had conducted a questionable search. This is, indeed, a very important conversation.

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Today, in a world where everything is stored on servers including the names of your Facebook friends I worry about some future McCarthy questioning people's patriotism just because they may have once had a suspicious Facebook friend or Gmail conversation or had conducted a questionable search. This is, indeed, a very important conversation.

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